It’s the time of the year again! Ready your best swimsuit because the sun is up, and you’re excited to show off some skin. Just remember, though the skin needs the sun for vitamin D synthesis, staying too long can cause a multitude of skin issues.  

As we age, the skin changes – it becomes thinner, loses fat, and no longer looks smooth and plump as it once did. With these changes, staying too long under the sun may cause the appearance of wrinkles, dry spots, and even skin cancer.  

The good thing is that it’s easy to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the sun, you just need the right skincare regimen as a preventive measure. We’ve rounded up a guideline on how to take care of your skin in summer.   

The sun and aging 

Aging is an inevitable phase of life. Everyone is expected to age in time, but several environmental factors may hasten the process, causing premature skin aging.  

The sun’s rays can take a toll on your skin. For short periods, sun exposure can cause a scorching sunburn. However, there are long-term consequences of staying under the sun for too long, without ample protection. The sun prematurely ages the skin, also called photoaging.  

Photoaging occurs when ultraviolet (UV) rays hit unprotected skin, leading to DNA changes and damage. Since sun damage targets the dermis, which is the deepest layer of the skin, it can take several years before the damage becomes noticeable.  

Along with aging, the skin-renewing capacity of the epidermis, which gives essential barrier function, diminishes. Further, the vital thermoregulation function of the sweat glands and the dermal collagen extracellular matrix are altered with age. Age-related effects on the skin can lead to various skin issues and diseases.  

The common signs of sun damage or photodamage include: 

  • Wrinkles 

  • Age spots, liver spots, and freckles 

  • Hyperpigmentation 

  • Rough and uneven skin texture 

  • Redness and blotchiness 

  • Broken capillaries (spider veins) that are commonly seen around the nose and chest 

How to take care of your skin in summer 

Summer is a time for beach days, vacations, getaways, and pool parties. A large bulk of these activities involve staying under the sun. Longer hours of daylight, with humid, dry, and hot weather can wreak havoc on the skin, so it’s advised to take care of your skin.  

The best way to avoid skin trouble? It’s crucial to block harmful rays when you’re outdoors during the day, even if it’s cloudy. Protect your skin since sun rays can penetrate light clouds, fog, or mist. In fact, the danger of sun exposure lingers throughout all seasons. Skin damage accumulates each year, so if you don’t have a skincare regimen during the hottest season, this is the time to have one.  

Apply Sunscreen Daily

The Philippines is a tropical country, which means it’s usually hot throughout the year, but most scorching between March and May. Experts suggest staying under the midday sun for between 10 and 30 minutes, several times per week to get enough Vitamin D. More than the allotted time, it’s not good for the skin.  

The sun’s UV-A and UV-B rays can be extremely harmful. The most important thing is to protect the skin from the sun. By doing so, you will prevent the skin from aging faster and cut the odds of developing skin cancer.  

Using good sunscreen is a big help to block these rays from reaching the skin layers. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that everyone use sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher, water-resistant, and offers broad-spectrum protection against both UV-A and UV-B rays.  

Apart from using sunscreen, other measures can help prevent sun damage. These include seeking shade when needed, especially during the hottest time of the day, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. If you need to stay under the sun, make sure to limit exposure to just 10 to 30 minutes.  

Dress to protect yourself from the sun by using pants, sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat, and a long-sleeved shirt. Further, be cautious when near snow, sand, and water as these can reflect the sun’s rays.  

Stay Hydrated and Moisturized

Staying too long under the scorching sun’s heat can lead to heatstroke, a potentially-fatal condition caused by the overheating of the body. Staying hydrated and cool are some ways to avoid getting heatstroke. Also, hydration can help achieve healthy and glowing skin even during the summer season.  

Drink plenty of water to flush out harmful toxins in the body, and at the same time maintain a smooth and plump skin texture. Make sure to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day and avoid dehydrating drinks, including those with alcohol.  

Though summer days are usually very humid, the skin still needs moisture. Using a moisturizer is important to protect the skin from dust, chemicals, and sun rays that can damage the skin. Moisturizers also help lock in moisture and natural oil in the skin.  

Make sure to choose moisturizers with a non-greasy formula. Choose those with vitamins, antioxidants, and SPF. For better results, apply moisturizers immediately after taking a bath.  For a night moisturizer, Nourishing Night Oil or NNO is a good option.


The summer heat can adversely affect the skin, especially for those experiencing aging skin. The good news is, that you can restore the skin’s radiance, lustre, and natural balance by taking good care of the skin. Strictly follow a regular skincare routine, eat healthily, drink lots of water, and apply sun shied, such as sunscreen. All these can help reduce sun damage due to photoaging.  

You can still enjoy playing under the sun this summer, you just need to take good care of your skin.  

Article Reviewed by Dr. Zharlah G. Flores, MD, FPDS