Hyaluronic Acid, or "HA," is a naturally occurring molecule that may be found in practically every fluid and tissue in our bodies, but especially in the skin (which contains nearly 50% of the total HA), eyes, and joints.  

Hyaluronic acid is essential for the hydration and suppleness of our skin. Unfortunately, as we age, the concentration and molecular weight of HA decreases. As a result of this, hyaluronic acid has been widely researched and developed as a strong active ingredient in serums, moisturizers, and other cosmetic products. 

Hyaluronic acid's key benefit is its amazing ability to retain moisture. To appreciate how vital moisture is for the skin, you must first realize that dehydrated skin appears dry, rough, and flaky when the top layer of skin lacks adequate water. 

Here are the benefits of hyaluronic acid for dehydrated skin, and more. 

It can make your skin more supple. 

Hyaluronic acid supplements can help your skin look and feel better. 

The skin contains about half of your body's hyaluronic acid, which binds to water to help retain moisture. The natural ageing process, as well as exposure to UV radiation from the sun, cigarette smoking, and pollution, unfortunately, can reduce its levels in the skin By providing your body with extra quantities of hyaluronic acid to absorb into the skin, taking hyaluronic acid supplements may help to avoid this decrease. 

In adults, daily doses of 120–240 mg for at least one month were demonstrated to dramatically enhance skin hydration and minimize dry skin. 

Hydrated skin also seems smoother, which might explain why multiple studies demonstrate that supplementing with it can help skin appear smoother. Plus, hyaluronic acid for dehydrated skin can diminish wrinkles, redness, and dermatitis when administered to the skin's surface. 

In addition, to maintain skin appearing firm and young, some doctors inject hyaluronic acid fillers. 

It can relieve dry eyes. 

Dry eye problems affect about one out of every seven elderly persons due to decreased tear production or tears evaporating too rapidly. 

Because hyaluronic acid is so good at holding moisture, it's frequently used to treat dry eyes. Dry eye symptoms and ocular health have been proven to improve with eye drops containing 0.2–0.4 percent hyaluronic acid - which can make your whole face young-looking, as well.  

In addition, dry eye contact lenses with slow-release hyaluronic acid are also being researched as a potential therapy. 

Hyaluronic acid eye drops are also commonly used to minimize inflammation and expedite wound healing following eye surgery. 

While it has been demonstrated that applying them directly to the eyes reduces dry eye symptoms and improves general eye health, it is unknown if taking them as supplements has the same impact. 

It smooths skin texture. 

It's possible that changes in a person's skin will have a negative psychological influence. This can happen as a result of the ageing process. 

Hyaluronic acid for dehydrated skin can help lessen the roughness of a person's skin and promote skin suppleness, according to an earlier study. 

It can heal wounds. 

Hyaluronic acid is also important for wound healing. 

It's naturally found in the skin, but its levels rise when there's damage that has to be repaired. 

Hyaluronic acid aids wound healing by reducing inflammation and telling the body to increase blood vessel growth in the injured region. It has been proven that applying it to skin wounds reduces wound size and discomfort faster than a placebo or no therapy at all. 

When administered directly to open wounds, hyaluronic acid also contains antibacterial characteristics, which can help lower the risk of infection. Furthermore, when taken topically in the mouth, it is beneficial in fighting gum disease, speeding up recovery after dental surgery, and eradicating ulcers. 

It can help fight wrinkles. 

Hyaluronic acid gels, lotions, and serums promise to combat wrinkles and ageing while also improving the overall appearance of your face. Hyaluronic acid. In addition, according to research, this acid also aids soft tissue growth, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, keeps your skin hydrated, minimizes tightness, improves suppleness, and decreases scarring. 

When it comes to hyaluronic acid for dehydrated skin, there are lots of products out there that can help you treat your skin - whether that would be for wrinkles, agwing, wounds, or even pugtting some moisture into your skin. Bur of course, before applying what you think is best, make some research first and ask a couple of expertsabout you using this particular product. This definitely works for you! 

Article Reviewed by Dr. Zharlah G. Flores, MD, FPDS