Summer provides longer days and more time spent outside, but it also brings perspiration, humidity, and the pimple breakouts, which become more prevalent during this intense heat. However, while the flare-ups are inconvenient, they are also extremely curable. 

What causes summer pimples to happen? 

Increased perspiration and oil production in the skin due to heat and humidity causes blocked pores and breakouts. While increased heat and humidity are the primary causes of comedones and cysts, your skincare routine may be contributing to the problem. Examples such as oil-based emollients, might really be too heavy for the summer months. 

Treating Summer Pimples 

Don’t let the heat, humidity, and occlusive beauty products ruin your lazy, hazy, wild summer days (while lathered in sunscreen, of course). Here are five strategies for preventing summer breakouts. 

  • Drink more water. 

Oily skin is not synonymous with moisturized skin, despite popular belief. Dehydration, in fact, can contribute to increased oil production and, as a result, more breakouts. Water intake — or lack thereof — is visible on the skin, from a dry scalp to flaky knees. Staying hydrated is crucial all year, but increased perspiration during the summer makes it even more important. 

  • Change your skincare 

Instead of oil-based 'creams,' employ lighter, water-based 'lotions.' Humectants, like as hyaluronic acid (HA), provide hydration without the danger of pore clogging, especially when used in conjunction with clarifying treatments. 

To remove impurities, use a cleanser containing salicylic acid, followed by a toner to absorb excess oil. Exfoliating products that are gentle but effective are essential. Alpha and beta hydroxy acids, as well as retinoids, can help exfoliate the skin. Retinol, one of the most prevalent forms of vitamin A, boosts cell turnover and reduces acne risk (in addition to addressing fine lines and wrinkles), but it might also make you more sensitive to the sun. If you've never taken a retinol before, wait until the fall to start and instead try AHAs and BHAs. 

Layer your products by weight in both the morning and evening skincare procedures, starting with the lightest (toners and serums) and working your way up to the heaviest (lotions and sunscreen) before putting makeup. 

  • Check your beaty products. 

Beauty products are no exception to approaching your aesthetic demands by season. Mineral makeup is preferable for preventing breakouts, and "heavy, thick cosmetics" should be avoided during the summer months. Mineral makeup is typically devoid of oil, scent, wax, and other pore-clogging chemicals. Avoid products that include ingredients that may irritate the skin, such as scent, emollients, and sulfates, since they will aggravate the skin even more. 

  • Think about your body. 

Summer pimples aren't only for the face, and there are lots of treatments to treat body acne as well. Exfoliating bodycare and more frequent showers can help prevent pores from clogging. Chest and back acne are common and can be addressed with exfoliating bodycare and more frequent showers. If the problem becomes increasingly difficult to treat, "oral antibiotics administered under the supervision of a board qualified dermatologist" should suffice. 

  • Avoid products with fragrances. 

It's considerably simpler to avoid breakouts than it is to treat them, so make a strategy to help your skin acclimatize in time for the summer heat and humidity. Avoid using fragranced items. Aromatic cosmetic products may seem appealing, but they can cause rashes, itching, and hives. Finding the appropriate balance between keeping the skin clean and overwashing is a smart approach to prevent body acne, as is changing out of sweaty garments as soon as possible. Too much cleaning might be detrimental. Exfoliating too frequently can create mechanical acne, which is caused by friction and irritation. 

The bottomline is that an increase in sweat and oil production during the summer months causes clogged pores that need to be treated than how they would be during the cold, dry months. Taking a more seasonal approach to both your skincare regimen and beauty routines, cleansing often, and staying hydrated are just a few of the ways to keep skin radiant and clear the whole year through.  

Remember that summer pimples and breakouts don't discriminate based on age, ethnicity, or gender, so speaking with a board-certified dermatologist helps guarantee you're on the proper track for your skin troubles. 

Article Reviewed by Dr. Zharlah Flores, MD, FPDS