When you were a kid, the adults around you probably told you how important it is you drink a lot of water every day. That’s true, hydration is very important for your physical health. But it may interest you to know that it’s also really important for your skin to keep its natural glow.
You see, it’s possible for your skin to become dehydrated. It’s not like dry skin at all, which is considered a skin type like oily or combination. This is instead a condition, and one you should be doing your best to avoid. Because your skin becoming dehydrated means it starts losing its lustre, develops more wrinkles, and generally takes away from your natural beauty.
How is my skin dehydrated?
When your body starts expelling more water than it’s taking in (through sweat, urination, etc) the remaining moisture is prioritized for critical organs like the liver, lungs, and brain. Because of this, your skin is the first to be deprived of moisture, and that can take a toll. When that happens the connective tissue in your skin, collagen, begins to warp causing wrinkles. In addition, your skin becomes dry and itchy, develops more fine lines, and becomes duller in general.
Prolonged exposure to the sun, cold, or air conditioning can hasten this evaporation of moisture from your skin, thereby dehydrating it, as can too much exercise. It’s also exacerbated by excessive amounts of alcohol and coffee, or smoking.
It gets worse
Not yet convinced that dehydrating your skin is as bad as it sounds? Well all we’ve done so far is mention the surface level changes. You see, your skin drying out does more than just interfere with your Instagram-worthy face. It can exacerbate other common skin issues as well if left untreated.
When your skin becomes dehydrated, it struggles to produce sweat, which interferes with the cleaning of your pores. Dehydrated skin also produces less sebum, an oily substance your body uses as a natural barrier to seal in moisture. That means it’s easier for dried out skin to further dehydrate. This compromises your immune system and worsens any inflammation.
Your lines and wrinkles will worsen as the collagen in your skin struggles to bind together, the drying out effect compromising its elasticity. Worse, your skin will also start to feel drawn tight, itchy, and sensitive. This sparks a cycle that causes you to itch, compromising the skin barrier further and worsening the dehydration, and so on. Any eczema or psoriasis you’re suffering from becomes so much worse with dehydrated skin.
What do I do?
Most importantly, to avoid dehydrating your skin you need to be drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day. It’s also important to curtail bad dietary and lifestyle habits and watch your daily environment. Certain kinds of natural products can also help stave off dehydrated skin.
Fruits like watermelon and papaya are a tasty way to stay hydrated, as is coconut water. And if you’re the salad type, cucumbers are a good addition too.